
Gruppo Petitto

Elbor Spa
ELBOR s.p.a has continued a long history since 1991 which has made it one of the major manufacturers of welding wire in the world. Elbor S.p.a. is a protagonist on the most important world markets thanks to a policy aimed at Customer Satisfaction, capable of adapting to the needs of a culturally and geographically diversified customers.
Flexibility and attention to the customer are the two key points which, together with a know-how acquired over the years, have laid the foundations for the success of Elbor Spa.
Elbor Spa deals with the production of welding wire in the various categories: iron, stainless steel, low alloy steel and aluminum with a view to product diversification required by the market.
much attention is dedicated to product Research and Development, in order to create innovation and develop new solutions in the field of welding.
The ISO 14001 environmental certification, issued by Bureau Veritas, is the attestation of the utmost care and attention that the company dedicates to respecting the environment. The latest generation machinery of the Montefredane and Manocalzati plants are equipped with low energy impact motors.